Part 3: Services

Concept: Allow access to Pods through Services

As you have seen in the previous section, even though you have deployed a Pod, that doesn’t mean you can access it easily.

Actually, there is a reason for that: Pods are ephemeral in nature. For example, when whenever you deploy a new version, the old Pod gets deleted and the new one will get a new IP. So you shouldn’t try to access a pod through it’s individual IP. That is when a Service object comes in handy.

A Service object has it’s own IP, DNS and Port and they never change. It enables you to access pods through the mechanism of selectors and labels.

Service Types [ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer]

There are several types of Services. The default value is ClusterIP, which only exposes your Service internally.

A Service of type NodePort exposes the Service object on the Node’s IP at a specific port, known as the nodePort (see manifest below). Reminder: A Node is a minion VM.

If you are running your cluster on the cloud, you could consider the type LoadBalancer, which exposes your Service on your cloud provider’s load-balancer. However, how the type LoadBalancer is implemented varies with each cloud provider.

If you look back at the example we did in Part 1, we actually created a service of Type LoadBalancer


For our example, we will continue by creating a NodePort Service.

Once created, a nodePort will be automatically assgined to a port in the range of 30000-32767, unless we specify one ourselves.

A key element to pay attention to in our manifest is the selector: it has to match the key-value of our Pods in order to reach our Pods.

# service-example.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: tasman                         # name of your Service
spec:                                  # defines what is in this resource
  type: NodePort                       # ClusterIP by default (which is only accessible internally)
  - port: 8080                         # Allow Service access at this port
    targetPort: 4567                   # Let your Service target a specific port of your Pods
    # nodePort: 30001                  # Expose the Service object to the external world on a port of Node's IP (30000-32767)
    # protocol: TCP                    # TCP by default
    app: tasman                        # targets pods with label app=tasman

A few attributes to pay special attention to:

Note: By default the targetPort will be set to the same value as the port field.

In our case, we make our Service accessible on port 8080 and forwards requests to Pod’s 4567.

However, if we don’t mind running our Service on port 4567, then we could just specify:

port: 4567
# no need to specify targetPort

And this will expose our service on 4567 and forward requests to Pod’s 4567 automatically.

With the manifest above, together with the Pod that you have previously spun up, you can now deploy your service object with:

kubectl apply -f {service-manifest.yml}

Once deployed, inspect the service object with kubectl describe svc {svc-name} and pay attention to the field Endpoints. Do you know which IPs it refers to?

Try it for yourself

As mentioned before, a NodePort exposes our Service on our Node’s IP at a specific port (nodePort).

Could you lookup for your Node’s IP and the nodePort of our Service? Once you have those values, try access your app. Any luck???

Read me

Theoretically, it should have worked... But it doesn't, why?
If you were running on a "bare-metal" VM, it could have worked. However, due to GCE's firewall rules, these ports above 30000 are blocked by default.
You could add a firewall rule with `gcloud compute firewall-rules create {name} `, but that's not ideal. Just think about the possibility that you might have to expose multiple services... And then for each one you would have to add a firewall rule!</br> If we have gone for a Service of type `LoadBalancer`, our app was reachable already. No extra work needed
But instead of that, we could also create an `Ingress` on top of our existing Service. It would give us even more flexibility and everything will be documented in a declarative way.


An Ingress maps incoming requests to Services, based on rules that you set.

These rules are based on info such as the path or host from the incoming traffic. Examples can be found here and here.

For our purpose, we only need to forward our requests from our Ingress to our existing service called ‘tasman’.

# ingress-example.yml
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: tasman-ing
    serviceName: tasman
    servicePort: 8080

And run:

kubectl apply -f {manifest-file}

Creating an Ingress could take a few minutes. You can see the progress on Google Cloud’s Kubernetes Engine -> Services or watch -d "kubectl describe ingress tasman-ing"

Once the Ingress is created, you can get the address from kubectl describe ingress {ingress-name} and access your application.

What you have learned in this section

Congrats! You have just learned how to make your Pods accessible, from outside and inside the cluster.

Because Pods are ephemeral, they should never be accessed directly through their IP. But rather, they should be accessed through a Service object.

There are different type of Services. We have created a NodePort and accompanied that with an Ingress.

An Ingress forwards (or terminates) incoming requests to services based on these rules. In our case, we didn’t set any rules so it forwards all traffic to our Ingress’ IP to the mapped Service.

Until now, we have only targeted one single pod with our Service object.

In the next chapter, you will find out how we can ensure that a number of pod replica’s are always running with ReplicationControllers / ReplicaSets. And the good news: all these replica’s will be targeted by our Service object, automagically!